1. Shipping and Delivery Policy

We adhere to the following shipping and delivery policy:

+ We offer shipping to nearby areas or other provinces across Vietnam.

+ We also provide delivery services with an estimated delivery time of 2-5 days, depending on the geographical location and shipping distance. We use reputable courier services such as Viettel Post, VN Post for delivery.

+ In case of loss, damage, or any issues during transportation, we commit to resolving all issues arising from the courier service. We are responsible for compensating for any damaged goods or lost items.

+ Regarding delivery receipts, the responsibility lies with the third-party courier company providing the receipt to the customer upon delivery.

+ We ensure the convenient and safe transportation of goods to our customers. We commit to resolving all issues arising from the courier service. Our only request for customers is to notify us or follow our shipping procedures. Please contact +848 9917 9686 (Hotline) for more details.

+ We accept all forms of payment through the courier service. Customers can pay in advance or upon receiving the goods (Cash on Delivery – COD).

+ If, upon receiving the product, customers find any mistakes, shortages, or defects, please notify us immediately by calling +848 9917 9686 (Hotline). We commit to addressing these issues promptly and processing product returns or exchanges.

  • If customers are absent at the delivery location, or we cannot contact them for delivery, the order may be canceled.
  • Delivery will be carried out as soon as we confirm the transaction with the customer. If the recipient is not present during the first delivery attempt, we will contact the customer to arrange a more convenient delivery time.
  • To track the status of your order, please provide the order number sent to you in the confirmation email to our Customer Service department. Alternatively, you can check the status of your order on the courier company’s website.
  • After signing for the delivery, please check the product for any errors or defects. If there are any issues, please notify our Customer Service department immediately to facilitate the return or exchange process. Please keep the delivery receipt and shipping receipt.

2. Return and Exchange Policy

Customers will not incur any fees for returns or exchanges if they fall into one of the following cases:

  1. The received product does not match the information as advertised (the product must still have intact packaging as originally received).
  2. The product’s quality does not match the advertising.
  3. The product is delivered incorrectly compared to the placed order (the product must still have intact packaging as originally received).

In all other cases, customers who wish to return or exchange their items must keep the product intact and bear the round-trip shipping fees. In such cases, the shipping fee may increase by approximately 10% of the original order value.

The maximum return period is 7 days.

Return or exchange method: Shipping using the same method as when purchased.

Refund method: In cash or via bank transfer.

For any complaints related to user information, please contact +848 9917 9686 (Hotline) or email nbvcompany@nguoibanvang.vn to request changes, removal, or disallowance of the use of personal information.